Hi, Idk why anyone would ever read this but if you're genuinely this vella go ahead. This website is built on the magical Svelte, Sapper and Vercel trilogy. The ability to deploy projects with such ease is absolutely unreal. The previous version of this page was built on Express.JS and deployed on Heroku, it can be seen at https://krishgoel.herokuapp.com (Changed it because it was slow) Even older version which never went into deployment can be seen at https://v0.krishgoel.com. Thanks you the open source community, the developers of Svelte, Vercel, Spotify, GitHub and obviously VS Code for making me fall in love with your products and services. v7 [08.10.2020] - Shifted to Svelte + Vercel v7.1 [15.12.2020] - Centralized Code - Added /bigdonmegaladon - Redirected /projects/:project documentations to herokuapp - Eased light/dark switch v7.2 [06.01.2020] - Added 'What I'm doing right now?' - Added "/projects/binarybox" - Added "eyena.krishgoel.com" Cheers